Saruman & Knowledge of the Three?
So, my 13 yo son is reading the LotR's and we were having a discussion on the Rings and the histories and such and I got smacked up side the head with a thought. I could find no mention that Saruman had knowledge that Elrond and Galadriel had rings or that he knew that Cirdan had one, and what had become of th...
Saruman or Gandalf?
In the scene where an old man approached Gimli, Legolas, and Aragon, was it Saruman? If so, why didn't he bump them off or something?
LOTR discussion Book II
Chapter 1. Many meetings -- Edited by Lorelline on Sunday 7th of February 2016 05:38:09 AM
LOTR Book Discussion Club - Book I, starting from Chapter 2
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I decided to provide the full annotation just in case - both within and outside this thread, the latter for the beginning of the discussion in separate threads, and some other threads. 'Procedural' thread, "LOTR Book Discussion Club" (Timing of the discussion, volunteering, suggest...
Dol Guldor
In the book Haldir, I believe, speaks of the power that had returned to Mirkwood. Presumably he is referring to Sauron. But, by the time Frodo was in Lorien Sauron had moved to Mordor. Wouldn't the evil have also moved with him? Or does his evil have residual effects? And I'm not just talking about orcs t...
A day in the life of a Nazgul
Bagend: ?Nope, not here" Woody End: "Nope not here" "You can tell it's a hobbit; they smell like cabbage. And a bit of an ale quality, like hops and barley." "What do hops smell like?" After weathertop: " Dude, your clothes are all burned. I brough...
The Lord of the rings audio recording on You Tube
Here is the collection of the audio recordings of "The Lord of the Rings" on You Tube. I did not download them, merely provided the links. Please enjoy at your leasure! The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring Audio Book Part 1 (8hrs 32min) [video=http://www.youtube.com/watc...
Extension Thread of the LOTR Book Discussion group
Hello all, Here is the Extension thread of the Book Discussion group. Here can be discussed any other Tolkien source for questions that may arise within the Main Book Discussion thread. This is not a competing thread. All source material is "green lighted" here. Shaping of Middl...
LOTR Book Discussion Club
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What do you guys think of having a "book club" for the LOTR trilogy? We'd assign a different chapter to different people. Then we read a chapter over the weekend and then whoever's turn it is leads a discussion, poses questions, etc. over the chapter we just read. The discussion would go on...
*Book Club* Fellowship of The Ring Discussion Group: Chapter One, A Long Expected Party
I personally liked the inviting feel of this chapter as it gives the old familiar feeling of the 'child-like' whimsy which "The Hobbit" embodied so well, but also gives a great deal of detail involving Hobbit life in the Shire and Bilbo's gravity as a famous and rather well-to-do Hobbit. ...
The Fellowship of the Ring: The Prologue - Part One: "Concerning Hobbits"
This is the first post of the Lord of the Rings Book Club. I am taking the first section, the prologue. I am going to break the discussion into four parts, each pertaining to a subsection of the prologue. I will list questions or discussion points and number them. When replying, simply type the numb...
The Fellowship of the Ring: The Prologue - Part 2: Pipeweed, The Ordering of the Shire, and The Finding of the Ring
This is the conclusion to the prologue. The following questions will be separated by section. "Concerning Pipe-weed" 1. Tolkien writes "pipe-weed or leaf, a variety probably of Nicotania" Is the word "Nicotania" derived from "nicotine", or is the...
Sauron's Terms
From "The Return of the King", book 5, chapter 10: "The Black Gate Opens" Here follows the quote: "These are the terms, said the Messenger, and smiled as he eyed them one by one. The rabble of Gondor and it's deluded allies shall withdraw at once beyond the Anduin, firs...
Gandalf the Old Fool?
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Here is the thing, how did Gandalf not know there was a Balrog in Moria? Or if he didn't exactly know it was a Balrog, why didn't he feel the need to take out Durin's Bane? (if the Balrog was indeed Durin's Bane). Let us examine the facts: - Something evil and terrible drives the dwarves of the most powerful...
Bard the Bowman
Who is Meriadoc's best friend?
Hello everybody! I'm new on the forum Now I am reading "The Hobbit" and I was all PJ's trilogy. I liked very much Merry and Pippin so, I wonder if Merry's best friend is Pippin in the book too. Thank you!
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit Audiobooks
Hello everyone. I've been looking to buy a dramatization audiobook of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. I know of the BBC Dramatization of The Lord of the Rings, having listened to it previously, but i would like to hear the opinions of others before buying any. Which of the many audiobooks would you...
Fenfick Tale
Could the Istari use "magic" without their staves?
Tolkien uses the word "power" rather ambiguously, I've noticed. And it seems to have made it quite difficult in determining the significance of the staff to the user. These quotes I find confusing: The staff in the hand of a wizard may be more than a prop for age', said Hama. He looked hard at...
The Palantiri's powers
In the Two Towers Gandalf describes the Palantiri to Pippin and goes on to talk about how much he would have liked to use it/them. What I had never thought about was that they, the palantiri, could look across time as well as space. " - to look across the wide seas of water and of time toTirion the Fair...
Rare Lord of the Rings books set signed and inscribed by Tolkien up for auction
I thought you would be interested to know that RRAuction are currently auctioning an extremely rare complete set of "Lord of the Rings" books hand signed and inscribed by J.R.R. Tolkien (the signature and inscription are located in the "Two Towers" book). The starting bid fo...
Gimli and Legolas
Tolkien said that Gimli and Legolas' friendship developed so much that Gimli accompanied Legolas to Valinor. What do you think they did together after the Ring was destroyed and the Fellowship disbanded? Do you think that they might have had adventures worth a story that Tolkien had no time to write...
The New King of Angmar
Fate of the Ents
Does anyone know what happens to the Ents after the war of the ring ended?
The Eye of Sauron
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I am wishing to discuss about the Eye of Sauron.
Most think it is litterally an 'Eye' atop Barad-dur, The Dark tower wreathed in Flame. From here he can see all that is in Middle-earth, except those parts which are beyond his power to see (Lorien and Rivendell for example).
To confirm this theory we...
mouth of sauron
The Northern Sceptre?
I've had this question for a while now, and it's puzzled me a bit. When reading the appendixes of the LOTR, in appendix B it mentions the "Northern Sceptre" under the date of S.R 1427. What exactly is the Northern Sceptre? Is it an actual object, or is it a reference to the Northern Kingdom lik...
Does Gandalf have foresight?
I notice that throughout a few places in Lord of the Rings Gandalf seems to have a partial fore-knowledge of an event that has not taken place yet or has just taken place far away. For example in The Hobbit Bilbo at the end offers to give him all the troll-gold they had buried at the beginning of the adventu...
Bilbo Baggins
durin's bane
This is off wikipedia so forget all the underlined stuff. About the bold and italic, can anyone tell me where this is said. and if theres more of it?...and sorry if this is in the wrong place. Durin's Bane refers to a specific Balrog who was not otherwise named. It would surely have served its master Mo...
dwarf guy
Physical Form & The Eye
In "The Lord of the Rings", Tolkien did not go into great detail when explaining Sauron's form and his many devices. (other than his ring of course) So, during the "War of the Ring" was Sauron a physical being or merely a spirit. Did he need the One Ring to regain his physical f...
The Watcher in the Water
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In the fellowship of the ring, outside the west gate of Moria, the fellowship are attacked by some strange creature which "had tentacles that were pale green and luminous and had gripping fingers at the ends". This creature was the Watcher, that lived in a lake formed by the damming of the Siran...
Khamul the Easterling
The ring of fire
Whilst the hobbits are on the side of mount doom, and just after gollum has attacked frodo,
"...a figure robed in white, but at its breast it held a wheel of fire. Out of the fire, there spoke a voice. 'Begone, and truble me no more! If you touch me ever again, you shall be cast yourself into the Fir...
Smeagol's Promise
But what went on in his wretched heart between the pressure of the eye, and the lust of the Ring that was so near, and his grovelling promise made half in fear of cold iron, the hobbits did not guess
So, I was reading the Two Towers and I came across this passage and got a little confused. To my understandi...
More than just a man?
Well of course he was more than man but how much? Aragorn that is. He had been raised by Elrond who was half-elf, he married elf, he was dunedain who maybe had little gift with foresight. My question is: what's your opinion about Aragorn and how far he was to be considered as 'normal man'? One example to st...
Lord Tulkas