Sauron's Successor
If everything Sauron had created had not been destroyed when he was, who would have taken his spot? (keep in mind the Witch King and the Mouth of Sauron are dead)
The Black Speech
No, we are not supposed to utter it in polite company... but Tolkien was quite the wordsmith in any of his languages. Sauron is a VERY close word meaning lizard.
Hobbit Sherriff
how many balrogs were there
I've heard that there were seven balrogs but I have also heard that there were two or three thousand. Well which is it?
P.S. If anyone posts please have a quote in mind, or at least the book you found the information in.
Thanks, Gil Gallad.
Edit: Mybad I posted this before I realized the...
Balrogs and Dragons
Although it is known that Balrogs are corrupted maiar, what are dragons since all dragons originate from the Great Worm this means they are birthing animals/beings which would lessen my belief that they are corrupted maiar.
orcs life span and another ?
Do any of the books state the natural life span of an orc? By natural life span, I mean assuming that they aren't killed in battle, by each other or any unnatural death. Second question is, what do people think about the way orcs are visually presented in the movies. If the orcs were originally elves, but...
Realm of Morgoth
1 2 3
I know that Morgoths realm consisted of Angband and Thangorodrim but were they both classified into the realm of Udun or were they seperate? -- Edited by Glorfindel1235 at 16:32, 2006-03-15
Creation of the Orcs
I know its a common question, but I am interested in what the loremasters of this site have to say on the subject. How were the orcs created; from Elves, from Men, or some other alternative.
The Silmarillion and LoTR support the idea that Elves are the source of orcish origin. HoME would suggest tha...
Mouth of Sauron
It is generally understood that the mouth of Sauron was a black Numenorean but how old was he? He would have got extra long life from being a Numenorean but Sauron must have given him much loger life if you was to survive to the end of the third age from the mid region of the second age. Does anybody have a goo...
mouth of sauron
Difference between orcs and goblins?
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What are your ideas? What are the differences between orcs and goblins? Cause in Hobbit they are called Goblins, but in LOTR orcs? Are they two different creatures? This might seem a real novice question, but since my friend wants to know and i cant give him the answer without knowning half of it...
Olorin of Nienna
Grond carriers!
Does anyone know what carried Grond all the way from Mordor to Minis-Tirith!
Mt Doom
What made MT doom so hot? The lava that came from it is the same that comes from any volcano, as it comes from deep earth. Why would mt Doom be so extra hot to destroy the ruling ring?
mouth of sauron
Ulairi or Nazgul
In the knowlegde center there is a question on one of the quizzes that asks what the true name of the Ringwraiths is. The correct answer is given as Ulairi.
The reasoning behind this is that Nazgul is the name given in the black speech which is supposed to be derived from Quenya. I am not willing to jus...
Which Balrog?
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I was wondering, which Balrog was the greater? The Balrog of Moria, or the balrog that fought Glorfindel?
Really the question is "Is the balrog of Moria more or less powerful than the other balrogs of the first age".
Any quotes would be great.
Orcs numbers
Why did not Sauron have as many Orcs and troops on a whole available to him as Morgoth? Considering Sauron reigned for a large part of the very long Second Age, and a long time during the Third Age I would have thought he could have built up much bigger armies than Morgoth considering Melkor's reign was mu...
mouth of sauron
Orcs - Pity or Hate?
I recently saw a quote which tends to lean me towards pitying Orcs rather than hating them:
"For the Orcs had life and multiplied after the manner of the Children of Ilúvatar; and naught that had life of its own, nor the semblance of life, could ever Melkor make since his rebellion in the Ainulindalë b...
Guarding Mount Doom
In the war of the Ring why did Sauron always leave Mount Doom unguarded and simply guarded Modor itself, rather than preventing outsiders entering Mount Doom and destroying the Ring thus being the only place where it can be destroyed.
Eastern Mordor
From maps all i can tell is that only North, south and west Modor is protected by mountains. Anywhere East of Barad-dur and Gorgoroth and mt doom is left relatively exposed and unguarded.
Would it have been easier, though longer for the fellowship to go east and enter modor from the East? Though you h...
mouth of sauron
Sauron a good smith???
"It has been said that dragon-fire icould melt and consume the Rings of Power; but there is not now any dragon left on earth in which the old fire is hot enough; nor was there any dragon, not even Ancalogon the Black, who could have harmed the One Ring, the Ruling Ring for that was made by Sauron himself."(...
mouth of sauron