You have to appreciate British optimism. Lack of oil is a global problem which independent sources in the US are working rapidly to overcome. Look at
It seems that the good people at Tesla Motors are trying to solve that problem on their own. The irony is that they hired mostly British engineers.
I cannot understand the view of anyone that believe in the current state of the world that a global conflict against the US or vice versa is viable. Attacking the US or Asia or Europe via the oceans would be extremely costly for anyone who tried it (radar, sonar, missiles, and air forces).
This is all very simplistic however. We are all speaking from the public point of view without knowledge of the complex diplomatic and economic agreements between the nations of the world. There is no sea of enemies. And you have to keep in mind the nature of man. No matter the reason for the conflict we have described, there are nations that would see quite a gain in siding with the US in such a conflict. The Chinese being the ultimate wildcard.
Lastly, our fantasy WWIII is based on conventional warfare, which is highly unlikely. The US actually does have a large supply of WMDs. Nukes, Chems, and Bios negate any threat of global warfare currently.
Therefore I say that we will go on, and this doom I add: the deeds that we shall do shall be the matter of song until the last days of Arda
Indeed, nobody would ever do the first step and attack because nobody wants to be the one who destroyed the Earth. btw, Einstein said a very smart thing on this topic:
"I don't know with what kind of weapons WWIII will be fought with, but I know WWIV will be fought with stones."
of course, as all nations are trying to get more unity, more peace between people it is hard to imagine WWIII as a likely scenario when the last communis regims fall, and as history showed us communist regims all eventually fall, so will the hope for WWIII
I find it strange that Americans and Englis h still care about the's over, forget about it The German and the French are good friends, with some exeptions of course, working together in the best interest of both countries, even though both countries inflicted great damage on the other in the past. And Romania and Turkey are just as a good example. In the Middle Ages and in the Modern Age Romanians hated the Turks. We were under their rule for...400 years, and many men died on both sides in war however, I doubt anyone remembers anything about it know, or anyone cares about it... so why so much trouble about England and the US?
TM - There isnt really any trouble between the US and Great Britain, other than the opinions of the populace. I would assume that both populations go through the majority of the day without even thinking about the other.
The danger that will likely topple the US 'empire' and all other 'empires' on the planet is intellectual enlightenment (I hope). As we (humans) evolve emotionally and intellectually we move ever closer toward global government. I think that is the great legacy of nuclear weaponry, that it has effectively eliminated the possibility world war (for now).
Therefore I say that we will go on, and this doom I add: the deeds that we shall do shall be the matter of song until the last days of Arda
And Romania and Turkey are just as a good example. In the Middle Ages and in the Modern Age Romanians hated the Turks. We were under their rule for...400 years, and many men died on both sides in war
We? I was meaning you are from Germany!? I noticed also in some other threads speaking about romanians in your posts as they were your co-nationals.
The Kiwi is an endangered species which is only found in New Zealand. We have used it as a symbol of our country, like the Aussies have the Wallaby/Kangaroo which is why they are sometimes refered to as the Wallabies (mostly in rubgy though). And its quicker to say, than New Zealanders.