I know what you mean about the weather, the area I live in is one of the wettest in Germany, there are a lot of weather jokes in this area...but it's ok I guess Sorry to hear about earthquakes, I realise you're close to the Pacific Ring of Fire...hopefully no bad tsunamis or something like that
No nothing like that yet. But we had a 8.1 earthquake a couple of years ago that didnt damage anything save a few alcohol bottles falling from shelves, but yet some major cities would be flattened like Osaka or Los Angeles if they had the same magnitude so were lucky in that respect.
I know how you feel with the rain, I live in one of the closest cities to the Antartic, so its pretty cold.
OK so... this is probably a bad idea. But I've got a lousy headcold and slept all day, so even if I had something better to do I wouldn't be doing it. There are no recent pics of me, but in the most recent I was 35 years old (and transferring data from old macs to less old macs, in a temporary studio/office which had previously served as my livingroom - complete disaster - my husband apparently found all this amusing enough to save it for posterity). It's behind the link at the bottom of this page:
I look nothing like the character Celebrindal, but truly under those *lovely* slippers I have silver feet. Oh, and I have fish again (Ulmo and Osse). And no desks/computers/sequins in my livingroom.
Perhaps I should go find some Rumplemintz - it might keep me out of trouble
3 computers...I wish I had that lol anyway, I love the Minas Tirith model in the background, I've been planning on buying one myself, haven't done that yet though