The is now taking applications for Lessar Valar on Tolkien forums! They hath all the standard moderating Powers (sticky/move/close/open, delete threads, edit threads etc) plus are able to edit members info and access virtually all of the private forums!
The Lessar Valar the is appointing is Lorien - Applicants can be male or female.
DO NOT apply unless ye are going to be 100% dedicated to Tolkien forums.
Merely write a post containing - a) Previous Adminship experience b) Thou username c) Catagorise yeself into the following - Beginner, experienced, Advanced Tolkien fan or Loremaster. See the konwledge center - whatever difficulty level you get 9/10 or more on, that is your quality.
Closing Date: Not set. If the elected applicant fails the requirements closing date wilt be expanded.
-- Edited by The One at 09:45, 2007-03-15
Though ye be the Ainur and Mightiest amongst them is Melkor, know that I am Iluvatar! Let My Word prevail past the Ends of Time!