Hello people...considering my name I think you know why I am here...*g* Anyway, I learned my lesson and I promise to respect the rules this time HOpe to see you soon and please don't tell me Blade is an Admin...oh no, not that...
Its good to see members of the Isle of Fantasy joining here, many many welcomes T.M. if there is anything myself or my maia (not that there are any at the moment,lol) can do to facilitate your adhering to the rules (like editationarising) then please ask.
...But it was so that from Nienna he learned pity and patience.
Anyway, I regret every day that you were suspended from the plaza TM. We had so little chance to celebrate our wizzie-love, it was beautiful wasn't it?
Wizzie love! Ugh...this is a rather strage conversation now isn't it! I could probably venture a guess as to why you were suspended, but hey, it's a different site! Sooo...I say we just forget the past and start fresh again, eh?!
The more I consumath the more I hunger for, render me the Silmarils!