Hi! I am super excited to be a new member here! I am a big Lord of the Rings/Hobbit/Silmarillion fan and wanted to know if there are any other great Tolkien books for me to read. Does anyone know any? Thanks!
Welcome! This is a fun place to be. One of the books I enjoyed was Farmer Giles of Ham. It's also part of a compilation The Tolkien Reader which has several short stories in it. I had fun reading them all. Unfinished Tales is also worth reading if you want to stick with the ME stories. Hope that gives you something to work with :)
Great suggestions have being given about other Tolkien books to read. Another on offer would be The Adventures Of Tom Bombadil.
There are sixteen titles of prose in the book and begins with the title, describing Tom Bombadil's adventures in the countryside amongst the creatures and trees before taking Goldberry to wife. 26 verses in all.
Other prose include
Bombadil Goes Boating Errantry Princess Mee Oliphaunt The Last Ship
Hello! I just registered. i wanted to find a place to invite people who like Tolkien to vote for my book project that`s somehow inspired by him. It`s a fantasy world where a princess has to get through trouble, pain and betrayals to save it /the world/ from getting destroyed.
please vote for my book project. It`s a fantasy story about a princess saving her world.