Welcome Hravan, There is a lot in here; Great Topics, Interesting and articulate members, fun stuff to do, And a warm welcome with folks eager to get to know you. Howdy and nice to meet you Bear an Elf-Friend
Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit Called or uncalled, God is present
The Might, there's an Elvish word hravani (first vowel is long but I'm not trying diacritics here) S. rhovain 'Wild-men, savages' (Rhovanion 'Wilderland).
So I tossed in 'wild' one there, guessing Hravan was taken on purpose.
Welcome to the forum. As a newbie myself, let me say that you will find the experience both informative and fun. There is a lot to read, and in my case many times re-read, and fun games and trivia threads too. Everyone here is friendly and helpful. Well met and don't let the linguistical stuff scare you like it scared me. To second Bears question, how did you become a Tolkien fan.
Eonwa, Welcome to the Forums!!! This can be a lot of fun and a great way to make friends with fellow Tolkien fans. Ask anyone on the boards and they will be glad to post and reply to you. What is your favorite Tolkien book or movie and how did you find us?
Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit Called or uncalled, God is present