I wanted to perhaps buy the books, but after reading the reviews I changed my mind... Most said that he took the fantastic background and as you showed most races and some names from LOTR, and the storyline and initiatic journey of the hero (Eragon like Luke Skywalker)... but once I heard it was like Star Wars books I immediately decided not to buy it... Same kind of shallow discussions like those that only George Lucas could write Don't get me wrong the story and the movies are great, but as books they're terrible because you have no eye-candy to distract you. Same goes for Eragon... And since Eragon the movie wasn't that great either, with many plot holes and many,many shallow Disney-type dialogues...I'm not a really big fan.
I myself am only half way through Eragon, and so far, it ain't bad (Not great, either), so I'll defer final judgement upon completion. One nice thing is I haven't bought the second book yet, and depending on the outcome, I may not have to.
I am Anduril, who was Narsil. Let the thralls of Mordor fear me.
I don't see anything wrong in what Paolini did. This can only be a proof of how important and what great impact LOTR and Tolkien world had. The flame of Tolkien's world still burns and probably won't stop burning for another couple of years regarding the showbizz and for hundred of years regading the true Tolkien fans.
Since he said he used Star Wars and LOTR, I would rather use Darth Vader as the Dark Lord, next two points go for SW as well, and last you have Obi-Wan-Kenobi as the mentor
I agree with Rumil, I do not say it is wrong that he did it, I say it is wrong how he did it
I don't mean to imply that there is anything wrong with, in fact I kinda like the book (so far, as I'm only 80% through it). I just thought I'd gather opinions. I never made the HP connection with Aragorn / Aragog.
I am Anduril, who was Narsil. Let the thralls of Mordor fear me.
I have not gotten around to reading eragon yet, truth be told, i am still working on the lost tales right now. but i will admit the trailor did look pretty interesting.
I don't suppose there is anything wrong with mild copying just so long as they admit it. I personally believe the JK has copied more from Tolkien than she lets on...
could be, still her idea is original as well, and because HP and LOTR don't seem to have so much in common at first view you don't really realise this very easily some things are common such as the hero on the way to growing up, the dark lord, the mentor the problem is these characters are typical for such stories and have been around in fairy-tales long time, long before Tolkien he did not invent them, he was however one of the first to use them in such a succesfull work Some names might also sound similar, but as far as names are concerned I am 100% sure JK Rowling has not copied a thing from TOlkien All her names come from Latin/Greek/Arab and have meanings in these languages so any similarity is purely coincidential And as far as of her writing style I find it quite original, it is also different from Tolkien's because the language has changed in 50 years and phrases or words Tolkien didn't use, are used by her and vice-versa
The Eragon film is absoulte ****. I had to say it. The books are quite good though. I've read both and there are a few good twists in the plot. But it is kind of obvious that Paolioni coppied some of the words from Tokien. I don't mind though. Eragorn is a good story and the second book ( Eldest ) is also good.
... and he drew his sword Ringil, that glittered like ice.
Well in all stories of this genre there will always be a humble hero and an evil Dark Lord. Also Tolkien was a linguist or what ever... a professor of language. And so the languages are all based of real languages. I think.
also few similarities to Star Wars I noticed:
1.The order of the hero (Luke-Jedi, Eragon-Dragon Riders) is pretty much extinct because of internal strife.
2. Obi-wan dies not long after the adventure starts, so does Brom.
3. And as a result of #2 the hero find out of another previously hidden teacher. Yoda-Oromis
4.The hero's dad is an evil character. Luke-Vader, Eragon-Morzan (although it turns out Brom was his real dad)
gumballthechewy, Welcome to the forums. Im sure someone can help with pronouncing Elvish names. There are people like ArwenLegolas and Galin who are experts.
Your right about how these stories (called sagas) always having a humble hero and an evil Dark Lord. And the other elements you list in your reply; 1.The order of the hero (Luke-Jedi, Eragon-Dragon Riders) is pretty much extinct because of internal strife. 2. Obi-wan dies not long after the adventure starts, so does Brom. 3. And as a result of #2 the hero find out of another previously hidden teacher. Yoda-Oromis 4.The hero's dad is an evil character. Luke-Vader, Eragon-Morzan (although it turns out Brom was his real dad)
These are all part of archetypal psychological pattern presented by C.G. Jung and Joseph Campbell called the Heroes Journey or the Heroic Quest. Stuff like this shows up in The Legend of King Arthur. George Lucas made a big point about being at the root of the whole Star Wars saga. It shows up in many ancient myths from many different cultures so your insight is right on the money. Have you seen this pattern in other things youve read?
Again welcome, Bear an Elf-Friend
Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit Called or uncalled, God is present
Well, I did finally get through the first 2 books, Eragon and Eldest, and have started Brysingr (Book 3). They are decent tales, and yes they do parallel LOTR, but what is the phrase? "Imitation is the most sincerest form of flattery". I didn't mind the movie either, but was surprised by the fact that there will be a forth book. The books are probably geared more toward younger readers, but that doesn't stop this 44 year old from getting lost in a little light reading.
I am Anduril, who was Narsil. Let the thralls of Mordor fear me.
Of course Paolini stole, all authors stole, since the beginning of literature. Look at Shakespeare, one of the biggest literary "thieves" of all time, he pretty much took all you read in his works from some other place.
The important thing is to add something, to bring a certain innovation, otherwise it would be just the same thing in a different package.
And I am not so certain as to what extent Paolini manages to that. Of course it is remarkable he was able to write like that given his age at that time, but still that only does not make it a worthy read for me. All those plot holes and the Star Warsesque feeling of the same boring Disney-like lines repeating over and over again is just too negative a factor and outweighs the interesting setting and mythological background created.
I mean, I could read it, but I don't really have to...