Hmmm, then I'll say...I dunno why would a name sound like a disease? why does feanor sound like a disease? does mouth of sauron sound like a disease maybe the Might sounds like The Black Plague this thread is too confusing for me
see... that is what I meant with an OOME thread such threads are easy to respond to and fun in a way, but as you said, it wouldn't work well as the system is post-based.
Glorfindel, please don't post messages like that, it's not very nice. I think this thread is a bit random, but an interesting idea nonetheless. (If it was intended as a joke, I didn't notcie, so ignore me, I'm just trying to be officious )
There are naturally Elvish words that I find beautiful, like _paptalasselindeën_ or _avosaith_ or _falastanéro_, but there are of course opposites which I find a bit ... odd.
I dislike _Galadlevnar_ "week of the Trees", and _Delduthling_ is also less than pleasing. _Bladorthin_ is a bit amusing in sound, though the meaning is alright. _Balvlaud_ is nauseating, and _Balthagron_ sounds evil (though I like it). I don't like _Egalmoth_, and _Gormagli_ is a bit odd, though I like _Ecthelion_. I don't like _Dinígwithl_ or _Crachalaith_, and _Ulbandi_ and Garlisgiol_ aren't very pleasing.