What new feature would ye like to see arise on Tolkien Forums in the future? This can be anything from expanding slightly on an existing feature to creating an entirely new one.
Please be aware however that the quotes page is yet to be expanded so please do not suggest that and also some larger features (like support membership or build thou own forums) are not worthwhile until we hath much more members.
This thread wilt then be used in future reference when our member list hath gone up and we can afford to expand.
-- Edited by The One at 20:45, 2007-04-26
Though ye be the Ainur and Mightiest amongst them is Melkor, know that I am Iluvatar! Let My Word prevail past the Ends of Time!
<Tulkas edit> It is good idea The Might but i think that this site is not so strickt than other forums about keeping it totally Tolkien related and therefore i do not see the need for special OoME-forum. Of course, final decision will be given by The One. Thanks for your opinion.
Although we have no OOME thread the Halls of Mandos are completely non-Tolkien orientated, we have the RPs, and we have the Analytical forum for less Tolkien stuff.
Whats the point in an OOME? Just to spam and talk rubbish all day long and still upgrade rank whilst contributing nothing?
But anyway thats your opinion TM.
A featuree...hmm...difficult.
How about once the quotes pages is complete we have a search bar put up so we can find specific keywords in the quotes pages?
oh yeah I always forget that the TF system is posts-based and not point-based. So that doesn't really work though talking rubbish all day long would be fun
Thats not a bad idear Bauglir. Could set up a forum for that maybe sometime when more members come.
I like the new 'Greatest Topics and posts' forum as it can show us the most recent topic of high interest and lets us see all the really good post on here.
Utúlie'n aurë! Aiya Eldalië ar Atanatári, utúlie'n aurë! Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!
Why don't we have an OOME - in Valinor?! That way only members who have contributed alot to the site can access it, therefore flooring the other reason why we cannot have one.
so you mean in the Ring of Doom I dunno if the Ring of Doom was designed for that plus, I think ordinary members shouldn't be allowed to see what mods and admins discuss but I am not the one to decide
I'd like to have a thread where people can post a short notice if they have to be gone for a while. It would be nice to have a specific place for things like that where everyone can read them. I'm only mentioning this because I've had to be gone a lot on and off lately, and everyone seems to think that I'm not coming back when, in fact, I had never intended to leave the site. You know, just a place to say "hey, I'm going on vacation for a week so I won't be around"
The more I consumath the more I hunger for, render me the Silmarils!
oh yea...sorry I tend to always think that people are away
but I think the thread thing is a good idea. maybe also a thread for like artwork and stuff I dunno if the One would be ok with it I mean...are could be like...something with Photoshop...or simply photos from the members to get to know each other a little better maybe that is a stupid idea...dunno
oh yeah...that is true well, I mean not necessarily photos of the members, but like maybe photos they made, like photos of a castle, or a forest, or a mountain, I dunno
I have an idear which follows on from mos', how about we have an OOME only for supporting members? Obviously I doubt there will be a supporting membership until more members come, but that could be one of the bonuses.
Utúlie'n aurë! Aiya Eldalië ar Atanatári, utúlie'n aurë! Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!
supporting members? do you mean...financially supporting? or members over perhaps rank 9 or so? anyway, I think that is not such a bad idea. that way the post-based ranking system isn't a big problem, as these members have already proved they are interested in the site.
hmmm supporting the site in what way? that is what I didn't understand for example supporting by paypal, or supporting by voting for the site, or maybe supporting by...posts?
Many sites have a supporting membership facility where members take out a subscription. This is optional, but you can hardly expect a site which costs money to keep running forever on its own. It is after all non-profitable with everything else.
Utúlie'n aurë! Aiya Eldalië ar Atanatári, utúlie'n aurë! Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!
There are some great ideas in here! I really like the idea of having a thread for artwork and photos and everything, and it would be a great way to get to know the other members. And once we have enough members for the whole supporting membership thing, that'd be cool too.
The more I consumath the more I hunger for, render me the Silmarils!
How about a centre where members can go and look up answers to some of the commonly asked questions? So for instance 'If Balrogs had wings', you could look up Tolkien Forums' theory. Obviously it would not be lore but it would certainly help some members!
Utúlie'n aurë! Aiya Eldalië ar Atanatári, utúlie'n aurë! Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!
I think he means that the Powers construct the answer and it is viewable for all to see.
You could enhance this by using the debates forum. Take the 'Balrogs wings' subject. As there is little argument and mostly good content you could take Glorfindel's and The Might's debate and simply copy and paste it with a slight bit of editing.
Then when we have more good debates like 'Who was Tom bombadil' or 'What is Ungoliant' providing they are worthy they could also go up.
Parts like 'Oh your wrong there TM' or 'Lets see what Eonwe thinks' etc would be taken out, but the important parts left to have the basic good argument with evidence to support either theory.
Utúlie'n aurë! Aiya Eldalië ar Atanatári, utúlie'n aurë! Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!
I have been using the new search bar on Tolkien Forums. I now do most of my web browsing from there and I am glad to know that whilst I am doing it I am contributing to Tolkien Forums! Has anyone else used the adverts or the search bar yet?
Indeed I have set Tolkien Forums as my IE homepage so now I can do all my web browsing from there via the Google search bar at the bottom of the homepage!
Utúlie'n aurë! Aiya Eldalië ar Atanatári, utúlie'n aurë! Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!
I'm still new here and maybe I really am an ancient Noldo... What is an OOME? Sorry I didnt bother to look in a palantir or Galadriel's Mirror or even Google.
btw I like the fan art idea for the site. That would actually be a great thing if members would actually contribute. I know I have some stuff.
- With fire in his eye, the Noldo returns to the forge... -
Therefore I say that we will go on, and this doom I add: the deeds that we shall do shall be the matter of song until the last days of Arda
OOME is Out of Middle-earth and is a kind of thread where you discuss about chocolate, cars, football and strange sea creatures...actually anything outside ME. but as it has been shown, such a thread would not work here, because as the forums' ranking system is based on posts, people could very easily post some nonsense there and get a high rank the only way that would work is if the posts from the OOME thread would not be counted in your rank
ah...I have a question is this perhaps a new feature of the forums? for example when I hold by cursor above a word in English, for example Might I get underneath it a small box with synonims for this word in German, for example Macht... just wanted to ask if you have the same...(in many of your cases it will probably give you synonims in English) just curious, that's all
Sounds like its a feature specific to firefox in your country. I use firefox, opera, safari, and mozilla in the US, but dont have a feature like that in any of my browsers.
Back to the topic... Instead of an OOME thread, what about a chatroom? What do you guys think? For RP, discussion, OOME, or whatever.
Therefore I say that we will go on, and this doom I add: the deeds that we shall do shall be the matter of song until the last days of Arda