well, I believe you mean the third age. well...I remember 2 more 1. is Lindon, similar to the Grey Havens 2. is Ithilien, created in the beginning of the fourth age by Legolas Greenleaf.
There was only a remnant of what was left of the Eldar in Middle-earth from Beleriand in the First Age. So apart from not having enough man(elf)-power to create anymore strongholds, there was really no need for them, as they had enough anyway.
It would help to know which time period you want as well. I'm assuming you only want late in the Third Age, around the time of the War of the Ring, but there are many more "kingdoms" of Elves from before then as well.
You have to wonder whatever became of the Avari. Though there is nothing written about them after the First Age, there is no record of them migrating to the west in Beleriand or Middle-Earth.
Could be that they welcomed Pallando and Alatar with open arms and convinced them not to go back into the War of the Ring.
I know its complete speculation.
Therefore I say that we will go on, and this doom I add: the deeds that we shall do shall be the matter of song until the last days of Arda
I dunno, but Tolkien clearly says the Ithryn Luin failed, though he doesn't say really how they were probably sent to try to hold back the Easterlings, and he speculates they created their own magic religion that outlasted the fall of Barad-dur, but again, he doesn't give a clear answer
Celethil wrote: You have to wonder whatever became of the Avari. Though there is nothing written about them after the First Age, there is no record of them migrating to the west in Beleriand or Middle-Earth.
Some did migrate even into Beleriand according to certain 'unpublished' writings at least:
'... soon after his [Morgoth's] return came the first invasions of his Orcs from the North.Somewhat later the Sindar became aware of Avari, who had crept in small and secret groups into Beleriand from the South.'
'Any individual Avar who joined with or was admitted among the Sindar (it rarely happened) became a Calben; but the Avari in general remained secretive, hostile to the Eldar, and untrustworthy; and they dwelt in hidden places in the deeper woods, or in caves.'
However, concerning Eriador and the Vale of Anduin...
'But the Loremasters of later days, when more friendly relations had been established with Avari of various kinds in Eriador and the Vale of Anduin, record... (...) The [Avarin] form penni is cited as coming from the 'Wood-elven' speech of the Vale of Anduin, and these Elves were among the most friendly to the fugitives from Beleriand, and held themselves akin to the remnants of the Sindar.' JRRT
This information is from Quendi And Eldar The War of the Jewels
interesting quotes once again Galin...they do show it is likely she was not an Eldar, which would justify why Tolkien's statement make sense however all this information is all from unpublished works, however it does give a different point of view