I know people, no matter what site you're on, always ask this question but...Which character in Tolkien's work are you most like? It can be any character in any of his works! Oh yes, and I want answers in terms of personality, not appearance.
The more I consumath the more I hunger for, render me the Silmarils!
I personally like Morgoth, because he resembles me, I am also arrogant, I want more power and his power is greatest in all ME. I know a lot of people will say Sam, Frodo, Aragorn, Legolas, etc, because they are cool like me. I will not lie, I like Morgoth, he is "the one who arises in Might" and i think he represents the dark side in each of us.
Hmm... I think I'd say Eowyn. I've always thought of her as patient, caring, etc, just reminds me of myself. She's also really vulnerable, probably a little naive. She'd be me in Middle-earth, I'd say.
I suppose since I started the thread I should answer my own question! I too would say Eowyn, but for entirely different reasons. I have spent my entire life thus far sticking my nose into fantasy books, wishing I could be a part of them. I've always wanted to fight the battles. What I realized of course is that real life isn't the same. I don't fear death or pain, and I know I would always fight for those I love. Eowyn is strong in many ways, but also kind and everything that Gala mentioned!
The more I consumath the more I hunger for, render me the Silmarils!
When I was a depressed teenager, I would have said Eowyn, but I don't really think I'm like any of them... Pippin or Merry, perhaps, I like seeing the bright side of life. And if I don't like something, I'm very atubborn and determined and I'll get through it. I'm really creative... which one of them was creative? Hehe, none of them were described whipping out pastels and pads... Bilbo? hmm.
I'd say I'm most like Mandos. I really am somewhat cut off from the world because I think it's all going down the drain, and I am extremely pessimistic, which I think symbolizes Mandos' ability to pronounce dooms and judgments. And the sister cries a lot.
Probably some background character, one who helps make up the world the main people stand out in. It wouldn't work without us. If a main character... Umm... Rose.
I think I'm more like Luthien/Arwen, because I'm all about giving up everything for someone or something you love. Also, they both, unlike other characters (Eowyn and Haleth for example) I felt were more 'girly' and I'm totally a girlygirl...I'm not really the kind who would want to go off to war...lol. So ya...
I am sorry to say this Nessila but Arwen never was a girlie girl nor was Luthien. The only woman character I can think of that never went to war was Queen Beruthiel... I think Queen Beruthiel was a real girlie girl as she always liked to get her cats spoiled... Ok, maybe not Queen Beruthiel...Rosie Cotton.
Can you provide some quotes to back that up The Might?!?! I would probably be most like a cross between Gandalf and Nienna (maybe the offspring of...) since I can be very sorrowfull at times (my plaza name means 'Lament for the two trees') but when it comes to people I prefer to stand at the side and nudge them in the right direction (or atleast the right direction for me,lol).
...But it was so that from Nienna he learned pity and patience.
umm...I dunno, but maybe I can: For Luthien: "But suddenly some power, descended from of old from divine race, possessed Lśthien, and casting back her foul raiment she stood forth, small before the might of Carcharoth, but radiant and terrible. Lifting up her hand she commanded him to sleep, saying: 'O woe-begotten spirit, fall now into dark oblivion, and forget for a while the dreadful doom of life.' And Carcharoth was felled, as though lightning had smitten him." That is no girlie girl stuff... plus, I doubt girlie girls would give up immortality for a mortal life. Queen Beruthiel however, "Berśthiel lived in the King's House in Osgiliath, hating the sounds and smells of the sea and the house that Tarannon built below Pelargir "upon arches whose feet stood deep in the wide waters of Ethir Anduin;" she hated all making, all colours and elaborate adornment, wearing only black and silver and living in bare chambers, and the gardens of the house in Osgiliath were filled with tormented sculptures beneath cypresses and yews." seems she was quite spoiled and seems more of a girlie girl to me...*g*
I know you made a joke about the quotes, but I couldn't help it...
There are many, many characters in Tolkien's world that I can relate to, but the one that is somewhat my 'Middle-Earth soul mate' is Pippin. Yes, little 'fool of a Took' himself. There are a few reasons:
Pippin isn't always sure of the circumstances, and he isn't always sure of what to do. That is me to a 'T' We want what is best, but when it comes to formulating a plan and deciding what to do, we fall short.
Pippin is pure at heart, and a bit cloudy upstairs. Yes, we are smart as whips, but ask us what E=MC squared means, well, we'll look at you like you have potatoes growing out of your ears.
I think when Tolkien wrote the book, he included a full variety of characters so everyone would find someone to connect with in the story. Personally, if I'm reading a book and I have nothing in common with the characters, the book doesn't get read. Just another form of J.R.R's genius.
I'm not sure which character I'm most like, but the one I have most affinity for is Elwe. I prefer to RP as a Teleri, and in researching that particular race have come to admire their King - a tall, clever, handsome figure (just like me), but ultimately flawed (totally like me), and swayed by a pretty face (you get the idea...)!
Id say i like Iluvatar and Gandalf, both have their own things what make me like them..I like them because they've become as one of the most important, if not the most important charcaters to me...
now I know this is not the place for lore just wanted to tell you something about your name...it might not entirely be true if by Olorin of Nienna you mean that Olorin was a Maiar of Nienna...you are wrong I know what you think about the quote in the sil where Olorin is said to spend a lot of time with Nienna that is true, but he was a Maia of Manwe and Varda. no lore discussion attempt, just a little help
Yes, thats the quote, but i made it because i know so little yet about Nienna, and a bit about Olorin/Gandalf and when i saw the quote i just thought it would be nice to mix them
-- Edited by Olorin of Nienna at 13:37, 2006-05-18
Quite a few god complexes. I especially liked the reference to Eru.
Personally I think I identify with Feanor most. Hot headed and driven and stubborn to a fault when I think Im right. He was definitely an "Ends justifies the means" type.
Did everyone who chose Melkor forget that his primary attribute was EVIL?
Therefore I say that we will go on, and this doom I add: the deeds that we shall do shall be the matter of song until the last days of Arda
my favorite character is Aredhel-a woman,well,elf:) of great beauty,smart, with free spirit, full of adventure, loves nature and horses and can't stay long in one place,she wanted to explore the world. just like me;)
Hmmm... Well, I seem to have collected different traits from different characters. From Boromir I seem to have gotten the being seen as better than I really am (especially with my guitar teacher; they guy thinks so highly of my playing it's like he's Denethor - cuz I don't care for him that much). I'm like Merry in that I can have my serious side; but I also have a quite hyper and extreme side as well. I'm Faramir in that (well, I don't really know. I just am. There's something in both of us that really sort of connects us). Eowyn - *shrugs* again, I just "am." It's one of those feelings that you hear the person's name and feel them in you.
I'm a lot like (book!) Frodo, though in my worse moments I'm mainly like Saruman, who started out with good intentions but became impatient and wanted to use force, but then became ensnared by Sauron and wanted to be as great as him, and be the Lord of the Rings, etc. I suppose I also have a bit of book Sam as well, with the steadfastness and loyalty, though I am not as down-to-earth. You might even throw a bit of Smaug into there.
I'd have to say Sam. I tend to support the efforts of others and get involved in their projects rather than starting my own. I live modestly (all I need is my own small garden) and am the eternal optimist.
Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise can not see all ends.
Wow! Another old thread that looks beyond the obvious and puts the focus on introspection. I love this place. I respect those of you honest enough to express your dark side. And those who pick the simple and loving characters to. And who wouldn't want to be Eru, the master of all.
I kind of look to the warrior and king parts in the stories. I love Beorn, Aragorn, and Elrond. But I want to be the noblest and great king... Fingolfin. His leading his people across the ice, his valiant deeds on Middle-Earth, and his final hopeless heroic stand against Melkor are my most favorite poetry and prose sections of Tolkien's work. Yep! Fingolfin...bring it on!
Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit Called or uncalled, God is present
I've always prefered Feanor to Fingolfin. Yes, Fingolfin is valiant, but he isn't as head strong, nor as eager, and dare I say reckless, as Feanor. By the acts of Feanor many evils occured, but most could be attributed to the lies that Morgoth told in Valinor. Feanor convinced the Noldor to move to Middle-earth, and thus not only save the Teleri there but set in motion a chain of events that gave Morgoth the fight of his life and set about a very full history. Fingolfin did not really wish to leave Valinor at all.
I think that I am more like Eomer. I'm very abrupt and honest. I don't express much emotion and am perfect for getting a job done. I'm loyal to a fault, handy with a blade or two and absolutely love horses. One of my favorite quotes is an Arabic one that says, "May the winds of heaven blow betwixt your horses ears!" I love adventure and can be stubbornly independent when I'm convinced I'm right or that someone I love needs me but I am very happy in my own house with a good book or surrounded by my family and friends.
I think I am deffinatly Teleri. I am very much at home in nature. Watching birds and animals around the house gives me a lot of pleasure and a sense of peace. The sunset, moon and stars always provides a calm and wonder to my eyes and being. I love gardens and flowers but trees are my joy. I love to watch them change as the year passes. But neither can I be far from the ocean. I tried to move away from the coast and did so for two and ahalf years. I didn't realize how home sick I was until I returned to Maine. It didn't take me long to pack up and move back. I am also a spiritual being. There is a part of the Flame dwelling inside me that is immortal and someday I will sail away to those white shores....and sometimes....it seems like it can't come soon enough.
-- Edited by Anorlas on Friday 21st of August 2009 04:04:21 PM
I like to help people discover what they are capable of and help assist them in moving in a positive direction. I rarely have big ambitions for myself, and I don't desire power or prestige. I prefer to help other people reach their goals than chase my own. I tend to often get caught up in drama that has nothing to do with me but people look to me to resolve it because I'm the levelheaded one. I often end up becoming the leader in groups, because other people want me to be. I give a lot of advice, whether it is wanted or not (a habit I am trying to overcome). At the same time, I can be bitingly sarcastic and impatient when someone irritates me. I'm certainly not as wise as Gandalf, but I'm working on it.
I'm also a lot like a Hobbit in that I usually have little to no sense of adventure, but if circumstances arise that require me to be brave or adventurous, I usually do okay.
I know that this is a really old thread but it looks so interesting that I'll just join in.
I think that the character I'm most similar to is Estė. Like her I don't prefer the day and I'm the shoulder that ALL of my friends cry on and the first person they come to for advice.
That is cool. I haven't looked too deeply into the books other than LOTR for characters that I am most like.
There are times I feel like my life mirrors Turin Turambar, powerful and well-meaning but doomed to fumble with hurdles and poor luck. Other times like Boromir of LOTR; Valiant yet flawed. There are so many characters that I can personally relate to in Tolkien's writings that its hard for me to narrow it down to just one. I will have to ponder this a little more and really nail one down. Thanks for reviving this thread, Amrun.