It appears that Edoras had very feeble defences. The outer wall was made of wood rather than stone so all an enemy would have to do it pour flamable fluid onto it and set it alight. Then the whole wall would go up in flames including defenders on top. The wall would then burn until, depending on the severity of the flame andd the amount and distribution of the flammable fluid, burn until Edoras was wide open enabling attacks from all around. Why not make the wall out of stone???
Utúlie'n aurë! Aiya Eldalië ar Atanatári, utúlie'n aurë! Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!
Well, I think Rohan's strength of defense lied more in how its army was suited to the terrain. The Rohirrim, the best cavalry around, could cover the Plains of Rohan quicker than most foes, and would almost certainly win against a foe, unless outnumbered. Another downfall may be that the enemy might have had pikes. But, perhaps the wall wouldn't be entirely defenseless? There would certainly be archers on the wall, enough (since it's a capital city) to hold most enemies away from the wall until Rohirrim could arrive. Also, stone may not have been found in abundance near Edoras, and it may have been too far away to carry to the city from other places, such as the mountains. Or maybe their workers were just too widespread to have enough men to build a stone wall.
that is true, and that it why the Rohirrim had in times of need great refuges, such as the Hornburg or Dunharrow. Edoras was also an important strategical position, but it could not be held for a long time against an assault. that is why the Rohirrim usually depended on not getting themselves cornered and trying as said to eliminate the enemy with the help of their cavalry before they could reach Edoras
Unfortunatley, the Rohirrim relied to much on Helms Deep, and in the days prior to the War of the Ring, it nearly cost them dearly. It was a trap, and I agree, they should have fixed it by improving their conditon at Edoras. As Eonwe stated, they were not accustomed to defending a fort, but using one as a refuge. They were at home on a horse, and were more of a mobile army than that of Gondor (an army whose defence was a fort)
also they usually defeated the enemy long before they came into their territory. The treason of Isengard took them off guard and that is why they were forced to retreat to Helm's Deep. Also,even if it was let's say "a trap", so was any other city under siege. Also Minas Tirith was a trap when it was under siege. Only after they attempted to defend the fords of the Isen and they failed, did they decide to retreat to the Hornburg. Indeed they were more mobile then Gondor, but under siege they were just as trapped.
Itarilde, if I'm not mistaken, I believe they relied on Dunharrow a lot more than Helm's Deep. I may be wrong, though...
Also, another comment about the walls, a quote: "A dike and mighty wall and thorny fence encircle it." TTT, The King of the Golden Hall. It referring to Edoras. It seems that the defenses were not as feeble as I or TM or Glorfindel thought!
oh yes they were, in the situation of a real attack in a war they were, they were only good to keep some small groups away, but I doubt they were a lot.
I don't think its a big deal not to have a stone wall.
There are other reasons for not having a stone wall that have been mentioned before. But, its really not as huge of a deal as is asumed, that a wooden wall is usless.
Also, it would be very hard to light an entire wall on fire. And, there would have been lots of archers to keep them away from the wall, as well as to keep shoting them while the wall was on fire. This would decrease there numbers greatly by the time hand to hand compat started.
They could cast a flammable sumstance at the walls fom a distance (catapults) and once the walls are covered with it they could easily shoot some fire arrows at it to set it alight. Thus wall and defenders would go up in flames and the entire outer wall would be broken for the enemy to issue into.
You make it sound easier then it is. It would be very hard to set a whole wall on fire by shoting fire arrows at it. Even with the flamible liguids, it would be very dificult.
not for an enemy like Saruman. considering that he had knowledge of gun powder as seen in LOTR, he clearly had advanced chemistry knowledge, so he probably could come up with a flamable substance that would increase the effect of arrows. but as I said, Edoras needs no great defences to protect the Rohirrim. that's why Dunharrow or the Hornburg are there.
TM had got it! The wall was capable of holding of avrage attackers. Hornsburg and Dunharrow were their incase a huge army attacked. The wall of Edoras held to what it was supposed to be, an wall to keep various enemies out of Edoras. If Saruman was attacking there, then there would be no use in having the other fortresses.