I'm not really new to Lord of the Rings in a sense so I cant say I'm a full beginner, but theres still a lot I dont know and thats the reason I've joined here. To be honest I'm actually vary interested in the lore behind it all and while searching the net for a site to explain parts, I came across this forum. I've heard a little about this site before so I'm definetly looking forward to learning from the masters (a friendly compliment).
To say a bit about myself: I'm a full-time student with interests in philosohpy, theology and birds with a curiosity in J.R.R Tolkien's created mythology. That's at least the short version.
I look forward to many discussions!
A lord of wisdom throned he sat, swift in anger, quick to laugh; an old man in a battered hat who leaned upon a thorny staff.
He stood upon the bridge alone and Fire and Shadow both defied; his staff was broken on the stone, in Khazad-dûm his wisdom died.
Mithrandir, Welcome! This a great place to learn all sorts of things about Tolkien and his works. Find a thread and jump in. There are various games that share that desire to learn ~ The Riddle Game, Middle-earth A to Z, The Quote game, are a couple of them. But the best is just make a thread about the things you want to know and let the others folks contribute. I am not a beginner myself and share a kot of your interests ` philosophy, mythology, and theology. Anyway I can help I will be glad to...PM, Thread, or even our chat box. Again - Welcome Grey Traveler, Bear
Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit Called or uncalled, God is present
Thanks Bear and (gasp) Bilbo Baggins, your comments are fully appriciated! I'll be sure to follow that advice and get involved in the threads, it's also nice that I share intrests with a fellow member (especially one that knows my identy!).
Thanks again!
A lord of wisdom throned he sat, swift in anger, quick to laugh; an old man in a battered hat who leaned upon a thorny staff.
He stood upon the bridge alone and Fire and Shadow both defied; his staff was broken on the stone, in Khazad-dûm his wisdom died.