Kateribethrose, Welcome! This is a fun place. And there are so many here who will make you welcome. As lomoduin says; "Jump in anywhere." You may be "somewhat tall for a hobbit"...but that is ok...cause I'm not quite furry enough for a Bear! Welcome! Bear an Elf-Friend
Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit Called or uncalled, God is present
Filli, Face it brother...you are all male! Get a grip...orc, dwarf, Dunedain, Numenorean, even a little hobbit... but female??? Too much on the pipe! Bear
Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit Called or uncalled, God is present
Kateribethrose, What in Tolkien's works do you like? Do you have a favorite character? Or book? Why do you think you are a "tall hobbit"? Do you have an internet nickname? A curious, (I hope not impolite) Bear
Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit Called or uncalled, God is present
Kateribethrose, What in Tolkien's works do you like? Do you have a favorite character? Or book? Why do you think you are a "tall hobbit"? Do you have an internet nickname? A curious, (I hope not impolite) Bear
Wow lots of interesting questions to answer. No I don't mind that you asked. :)
I haven't really thought about what it is that I like most in Tolkien's books. I just find his stories wonderful and himself a pretty great person in general. He is one of the inspirations for my own writing actually.
As for my hobbitness I am fairly short... but much taller than Pippin (the tallest Hobbit after the Great took I think) So, If I were actually a hobbit I would be fairly large to them.
I guess I just feel hobbit like. *chuckles*
My name on this forum is my Internet name there are a couple of other names floating around out there but that one is pretty much it on any of the usual sites... you know tiwtter, dailybooth and such...
If anyone should be curious this is the origin of my screen name:
Kateri= a name that I chose for a fictional character of mine... also a native American saint to the Catholics... (Kateri is how her tribe said Catharine)
Beth= short for Elizabeth which is my actual name.