Indeed, members, with this post I shall be writing something for the 3001st time on the Tolkien Forums. Looking back to the early beginnings so long ago (almost 2 years) I feel happy to have met all members and to have discussed and laughed at their sides. I must unfortunately also admit that the forum is not doing so good, also because of many members, and here I also include myself, who are no longer posting as much as they used to. I however hope that solutions will be found to the problems and that the TF will continue to exist for much longer, so that many more members will reach 3000 and beyond.
Btw, when I first joined I was always looking forward to reaching 3000 so as to get this Sauron Maia rank, but now that I already have The One Ring as Special Rank I think I'll stay with it and be content. *lifts ale* To you, dear members! Cheers! *drinks ale*