Some have called them Dragons, but Tolkein clearly decribes Dragons and this is how he describes the fell beast,.
" .. It was a winged creature: if bird, then greater than all other birds and it was naked,and neither quill nor feather did it bear, and its vast pinions were as such webs of hide between horned fingers:and it stank. A crwature of an older world maybe it was..."
So is there any other writings depicting the origins of these strange beast.
"Thou living fool. No man may hinder me."-Witch King of Angmar
"A creature of an older world maybe it was, whose kind, fingering in forgotten mountains cold beneath the Moon, outstayed their day, and in hideous eyrie bred this last untimely brood, apt to evil. And the Dark Lord took it, and nursed it with fell meats, until it grew beyond the measure of all other things that fly; and he gave it to his servant to be his steed."
They are very mysterious creatures. Virtually all that is known about them is in these two quotes. It is clear that they were originally some less fierce, far smaller predatory animals that Sauron saw the potential in. Thus, as Morgoth did with many creatures like Carcaroth the dread wolf, Sauron fed and corrupted them until they were huge and hideous to be the steed of his servant.
Utúlie'n aurë! Aiya Eldalië ar Atanatári, utúlie'n aurë! Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!
True. I have read it 3 times now and it is much better the second time I read it. The first time I thought it was pretty hard to read and sounded a bit too much like the Bible. The names and dates went over my head buit when I read it again with a bit more knowledge of it it was much better.
Anyway that will give you some indication as to what the abilites and characteristics the Dark Powers have.
Utúlie'n aurë! Aiya Eldalië ar Atanatári, utúlie'n aurë! Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!