Twisted pages from an old book called LIFE which accidentelly happens to have crossed the path of my own life. I always have wondered if all people have a purpose or at least a goal to reach before death. How’s come that we’re so possesive and we like controling everything around us? Is it an instinct springing from fear? People fear death for two natural reasons. First, because nobody can tell what’s beyond it and seconds, because people have the tendence to desire to live as long as possible, desire springing from our selfishness which has not yet been matched in 4,56 billions of years. Do you belive in the light on the end of the tunnel? Do you have a reason strong enough to think that there is life beyond death? People think unseriously of all these and suddenly two weeks before death the twisted pain of life that slipped between our fingers makes way withing their hearts. We’re making now our way swiftly from one issue to another: innate agressivenes. The instinct of pugnacity, anger and resentment smolder within humans ready at any moment to erupt (William James). We’re made out of anger and fear, which unleashed for a long time, could lead to wars, agresiveness, violence and sufference. Freud states that cruelty and a desire to hurt others deliberately is a prominent feature of the human psyche. He attributes this desire to the death instinct. I bring this in attention to all in order to give you a reason to meditate upon life and death, to see how close the two enstamblish connections and to realise how fragile and unstabile is humankind. If there will be a mass extinction of humans it will certainly be caused by something from withing itself and not by some outside forces. So stop worying about cometts and aliens and start wonder about yourself. Do you know yourself well enough? Do you know what you are capable of? Do you know you limits? Well, not willing to scare anybody with my visions upon life,I wish you all read this and think about it. I don’t want answers. Thoughts from the golden forest of Lorien, Rumil. And who dares now to think that people of Middle-earth have no philosophycal preocupations!!!???
Well, I know you didn't ask for answers, but I'll give you my two cents as well...I fully agree Rumil. There are so many dangerous weapons and machines somewhere hidden in government bunkers, but instead all that is mentioned are tsunamis, comets or supervolcanoes. Of course it is possible, but not quite likely. Instead, as Rumil already said such an event would much more likely start from within. Whether we have a goal in life...I guess it depends on who you ask, and I can tell you that 99,9% of the people will answer invoking religion. Becoming a Buddha, Nirvana, reaching Heaven, all these are seen as the most important goals by many. Personally...I really can't would be easy to answer by saying something like "helping people or making others feel good" but actually I have to admit I really don't know, nor does anyone else know such things. I believe in the concept that there is a soul, some kind of energy in you, because I can't believe that we're just evolved monkeys that sometime in the past suddently became conscious and aware of themselves and their fate.
Also, in the end, some thoughts on the inner wish to inflict damage in people. We just learned in religion about an interesting experiment that was carried out in the 60s - the Milgram experiment Anyway, the idea is a guy sat in a room and another one in a room near, but they were separated by a wall. One of them asked questions and each time the other answered wrong the first one was asked to apply electric shocks. The power of the shocks increased with each wrong answer - 15V, 30V...300V. The person applying the shocks could not see the other one because of the wall, but he could hear the screams of pain. Of course, these were not real screams, all was fake, no damage was really inflicted, but many believed it was. Of course the results are biased because of the fact it took place at Yale university and many perhaps thought that nothing will happen to the other person, still interestingly 70% of the people went all the way to 300 V and didn't quit the experiment sooner. The Experiment was done in other universities and study centres and always gave similar results. The idea is people are unable to follow their own conscience and mind if they are given specific orders by a higher authority, we see the same with soldiers for example shooting innocent children in Vietnam. The human mind is clearly now flawless, and if stimulated in undesired ways can lead to really bad results.
You can call me Claus, or whatever is easier for you. About the Milgram experiment, never heard of it but it's rising good questions about what we really are, firstly as humans, part of the society and secondly as individuals. When I mean I don't want answers, I was meaning no answers to the questions, posts are yet very welcomed. Well, for one reason I despise politics;it's full of ****, which is. Alltough hidden from the population, the Governments invest with every year huge amounts of money in military weapons and stuff like that because with every year the fear grows bigger and bigger of a third nuclear war. We like to get concerned with our lifes and pretend that everything is fine but people don't wont to open eyes wide because if they would, they would get shocked how cruel and 'real' is the reality. Some are living it at the moment but their voices are simply ignored.
Thomas Hobbes: Those ethologists who extrapolate the results of their studies of lower animals to humans also tend to view man as an innately agressive animal. Lorenz: Homo sapiens is even more agressive than other animals. Well of course you don't have to belive all these, just think about. As we got along the centuries, society developed in such manner,that nowadays instead of city guard we had during the medieval age we have FBI, CIA, SQUAT, KGB, departments specialized just for one type of crime. The reason for this police department split is agressiveness within ourselves which reached the upper limits. We may have developed from hunted apes to human hunters but during this transition we damaged a lot not just around us (the nature, the earth) but from our behavior also. We brought along our developement not just the things that makes us humans (sensitivity, consciousness, morality etc) but also the things that will always remind us of our animal origins (agresivness, instintcs, selfishness etc). Now the question I intend in my next few weeks to answer is: were we since 75 millions years ago more constructive rather than distructive?
Firtsly TM I don't think we were simply monkeys that curled up in the branches one night and woke up the following morning and started building London. Our evolution has taken many millions of years from that stage.
Having said that here is my view on a much more in-depth matter.
Science explains many fundamental things but one thing that it has not explained and I cannot see how it can hope to do so is the creation of life itself - that is the 'spark' that seemingly gives 'will' and 'independence' to something which is inanimate.
The universe may have started with a big bang, huge pieces of hot gas flew off into the newly formed space and gradually the small chunks of gas (the earth and other planets and moons etc) cooled down and formed into rock, whilst others of larger form (stars) still burn today and new ones are created in star-nurseries. Supposedly we ourselves and everything in the universe which is not void - that is matter - is made up of 'star dust' - becuase everything once came from the stars. Even 'Dark Matter' which is known to exist and is the seemingly empty blackness which makes up space is in fact not simply void but IS matter. All this came from the stars and all of it is inanimate. Even our bodies and blood are included in this, for they do not have independence of there own - they simply encase something which IS independent. So lets define all these things as SQUARE shapes.
Now life is something which is completely different. If the world was created 4 billion years ago and life started around 600-800 million years ago how did the seemingly inanimate substance create something which is independent from all else? Where did that original spark of life come from? As soon as we know its origin we can then work out the rest as evolution and expansion on that spark of life but where did it first come from? Lets define life itself as a circle, for it is not the same as inanimate matter.
Now here's the puzzle: No matter how many Squares you use and no matter what size they are and however you arrange them you an never make a perfect circle. So how can mattar which is void of will ever combine itself to make something which is wholly different?
If this is one day found out and a satisfactory explanation given, then I will completely rule out any possible thoughts on religion and a 'Higher being'. Until that day however there still remains a vital piece of information that needs to be answered for science to be conclusive.
mouth of sauron wrote: Here is my view view on a couple of points:
Firtsly TM I don't think we were simply monkeys that curled up in the branches one night and woke up the following morning and started building London. Our evolution has taken many millions of years from that stage.
------------------------------- MOS I think TM used 'night' instead of 'many millions of years' but he meant the same thing. I understand and agree with both points of view. Firstly TM suggested very good that alltough we've been for millions of years on this path of civilization we still don't know how to control our anger, violence and our distructive nature. You never meat till now trash people who made you wonder on our nature as humans? Well I did. And it's completely normal to question science and preffer it over religion and the other way around, it's you right to think free and be thankfull you're living in a country where this freedom is alowed. --------------------------------------------- Science explains many fundamental things but one thing that it has not explained and I cannot see how it can hope to do so is the creation of life itself - that is the 'spark' that seemingly gives 'will' and 'independence' to something which is inanimate.
The universe may have started with a big bang, huge pieces of hot gas flew off into the newly formed space and gradually the small chunks of gas (the earth and other planets and moons etc) cooled down and formed into rock, whilst others of larger form (stars) still burn today and new ones are created in star-nurseries. Supposedly we ourselves and everything in the universe which is not void - that is matter - is made up of 'star dust' - becuase everything once came from the stars. Even 'Dark Matter' which is known to exist and is the seemingly empty blackness which makes up space is in fact not simply void but IS matter. All this came from the stars and all of it is inanimate. Even our bodies and blood are included in this, for they do not have independence of there own - they simply encase something which IS independent. So lets define all these things as SQUARE shapes.
Now life is something which is completely different. If the world was created 4 billion years ago and life started around 600-800 million years ago how did the seemingly inanimate substance create something which is independent from all else? Where did that original spark of life come from? As soon as we know its origin we can then work out the rest as evolution and expansion on that spark of life but where did it first come from? Lets define life itself as a circle, for it is not the same as inanimate matter.
--------------------------------------- Regarding your theorie: you're absolutely right and free to express your thoughts, it doesn't mean however that they must be correct or that I agree or disagree.
Science has managed untill now to answear SOME questions in terms of life and death, some were speculations, others were based on personal experiences, some were scientifical prooved. Science made a huge step forward and things like a thunder or a strike doesn't come anymore from Good because we pissed him off, it comes from the negative and positive particles from the clouds and earth which during a storm interact with each other and 'voila' you get your strike. Nobody was thinking 1000 years ago that science would go so far and even explaine why we earthquiecks, vulcano erruptions etc happen but it did. Can you tell in 1000 years from now science won't be able to explaine where from came that original spark of life?
People like blaming destiny or Good for the bad things that happen in their lifes and use to thank destiny or Good for the good things that happen in their life and all these simply because they are simple people who never wonder where the original spark of life came from. Thus, religion will always have a special place in our life. When we need luck for an exam, when we need courage to do something, we'll always put our trust and hope in a person, a power or a thing above all and everyone (Allah, Good, Lord, Buddha, Confucius etc) We're both weak and strong and we behave in different circumstances as though.
Well just some thoughts. MOS you are different for wondering upon life, destiny and universe, special I may say and I really enjoyed reading your post. You do say wonderfull things sometimes and now I discover we have something in common: philosophy. Looking forward to hearing some more from you. On this subject many issues can be debated and I don't mind spending my next 3,4 weeks or even months or years talking about it, you know just to cover SOME aspects. Incase you can handel it. TM looking forward to reading your posts as well.